Looks like the Pool is full and you are ready to jump in. This Page is dedicated to guide you through the final process, and give you the information needed to maintain your pool.
This page includes: -chemical information -equipment information -equipment warranty links -google/face book reviews -referral information
Water Balancing and the Chemicals involved
After working with pools for over a decade we found Pinch-a-penny's material to use as the most convenient to teaching method. Besides being explained easily Pinch-a-penny is a national franchise that is in nearly every community in Florida.
Here is a great 2 minute video below explaining the Pool chemicals, and how they work with each other and within your pool.
In order to avoid most problems with your pool water, it is imperative to keep it balanced. Along with sanitization, water balance is the most important thing you can do as a pool owner. The science behind it may seem daunting, which is why Pinch A Penny developed the Pool House to make it easier to understand. The Pool House is a graphic representation of the elements that make up your pool’s water, and it was designed to educate pool owners about chemistry and water balance. A balanced swimming pool means keeping the five basic pool water components (total alkalinity, pH, chlorine, calcium hardness and stabilizer) within their proper levels. Each level builds on and effects the other, and these components work together to help the sanitizer work more effectively. This is why we recommend that you test your water weekly at your local Pinch A Penny store or in the app. Total Alkalinity The foundation of your pool chemistry is total alkalinity. This acts as a buffer to help the water’s ability to resist changes in pH. The two influence one another, and we often say that total alkalinity is the fulcrum of pH. Low alkaline water leads to low pH and high alkaline water leads to high pH. A pool should have a total alkalinity level between 70-140 ppm (parts per million). pH Level pH refers to the pool’s acidity or baseness and is considered the first floor of the house. Keeping your pH levels within the proper range is important for swimmer comfort. It also helps to keep the equipment and finish in good condition. A proper pH level is in the range of 7.2 to 7.8, with the ideal being 7.4. You can adjust pH levels by adding pH Plus or pH Minus. Chlorine Level The second story of your pool house is the chlorine level. This is the sanitizer in your pool which kills algae and bacteria. The ideal levels for chlorine are 2.0-4.0 ppm. We have articles on our blog about the importance of chlorine. Calcium Hardness We refer to calcium hardness as the walls or frame of the pool house. The right amount of calcium in pool water is crucial to protect your pool’s surfaces. Too little and your pool's surface can begin "chalking" and erode. Too much and your water could become murky, scale formations could appear, and stains might begin to form. 200 to 400 ppm is the general range for calcium hardness levels. Stabilizer We call cyanuric acid, or stabilizer, the roof because it protects the chemicals in your water from the sun and helps your pool retain chlorine longer. Stabilizer is added to some types of chlorine to protect it from breaking down due to the harmful effects of U.V. rays. When your stabilizer level is low, you'll go through a lot more chlorine than normal. You can bring the levels up by adding Stabilizer/Conditioner. When it's high, you may need to dilute your pool water to bring it back into the normal stabilizer range, which is 40 ppm.
Your Pool Equipment
Pool Pump- The pool pump is the heart of the pool pad. Your pool pump's job is to move water through your pool equipment, allowing water to move through your skimmers, filter, heater and chlorinator. Keeping your water moving and flowing through your pool allows for better sanitation and keeping the pool water at swimming temperature. Pool Filter-Your pool filters are the pool pad's lungs, the primary system to filter out debris from the pool water. Pentair has three pool and spa filters, including diatomaceous earth (D.E.), cartridge and sand filter products. These filters generally function the same way; the pump pulls the water into a filter tank and passes through the filter (which is usually a netting, membrane, or sand). High-quality filtration in your pool pad aids in delivering cleaner, clearer water and acts as a buffer from contaminants like debris, oils, dirt and more. When it comes to your filtration system, one thing to note is not to rush the filtration process. Maintaining your pool filtration at an even rate can help reduce energy costs and wear and tear on the equipment. Pool Sanitation- Before your pool water returns to your pool, it needs to go through a water treatment system. This step in the pool circulating process is essential because sanitizers help eliminate pathogens and prohibit algae and scaling from developing in your pool. There are more than chlorine-based options when it comes to pool sanitization. Yes, chlorine helps reduce contaminants from reaching the infrastructure of your pool, but other factors can keep your pool water in good condition. Look for bromine, calcium chloride, water stabilizers, and algaecides pool sanitizers. Pentair has automatic chemical injection systems to monitor pool water chemistry and adjust your sanitation in real-time to help save you time and energy managing your pool water.
We strive to be a community driven company and we know that your review is the best marketing there is. At All Clear Pools we strive to make every back yard vision come true. Even though not every build is without delays, All Clear Pools always push through. Please Help us grow as a company and a community with your review!
That's Right, if you know someone, a friend, family member, neighbor or classmate that is interested in owning a pool then send them to us, let us know that you have referred us and if we end up signing a contract with your friend then we will pay you $500, this doesn't end just once, send us as many people as you'd like and potentially make this a side job!!
We care about our community and we know that an extra $500 in the pockets of many of the households in Polk County would ease many stresses and at All Clear Pools we strive to give back to our community and help everyone grow around us. We know this we live on an abundant earth and know we can all thrive.